
Getting Injured and Losing a Loved One in a Maryland Truck Accident at the Same Time

Losing a loved one is one of the most painful experiences imaginable. But, unfortunately, many Maryland families find themselves facing this reality each year as the result of a Maryland truck accident. Because of the size of semi-trucks, Maryland truck accidents can have devastating consequences, causing severe bodily injury and even death. Tragically, some individuals may find themselves in an impossibly difficult situation: mourning the death of a loved one while trying to recover physically from injuries suffered in the same accident.

For example, take a recent tragic semi-truck crash. According to a local news report, the crash occurred on Monday afternoon when a woman was driving her two children—a two-year-old daughter and six-month-old son—when she was rear-ended by a semi-truck. Police say the semi-truck driver wrongfully ran through a stoplight and was at fault in the crash. The woman and her daughter were both flown to local hospitals with severe to life-threatening injuries following the crash. Tragically, her two-month-old son did not survive.

The family is now in the devastating situation of mourning their loss while trying to recover themselves. While the mother, fortunately, is doing well, the two-year-old daughter suffered multiple fractures to her skull and had to undergo surgery for a broken femur. She is in stable condition, but injuries of that extent take a long time to heal, and the medical bills can add up quickly. The financial situation can be exacerbated by the funeral and burial costs for the infant, and the lost wages both parents may have incurred by needing to miss work. While the health and safety of those who survived are of course of the utmost importance, the family likely has realized the significant financial toll that truck accidents can cause. Maryland families who find themselves in situations like this should know they do not need to handle it alone.

Can Families of Maryland Truck Accident Victims Recover from Negligent Truck Drivers?

While nothing can undo the damage that has been done, state law can help accident victims recover monetarily, which can help support their recovery and lessen some of the financial stress they are feeling. A successful wrongful death lawsuit can provide compensation for lost wages, funeral and burial costs, past and future medical expenses, and the pain and suffering experienced. Needless to say, this compensation can allow the family to focus their time and energy on more important things, such as spending time together, processing and grieving their loss, and taking care of their physical health. But it does take significant time and energy to file a successful lawsuit, and that is why many accident victims opt to work with a personal injury attorney who can handle that for them, freeing them up to focus on healing.

Contact a Maryland Truck Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one was recently injured in a Maryland truck accident, call the law offices of Lebowitz & Mzhen, LLC, to speak with a dedicated and experienced personal injury attorney. We offer free consultations and can help you learn more about the process to determine if filing a personal injury claim is something that may benefit your family.  To learn more, give us a call at 800-654-1949.

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