
Women Killed by Garbage Truck While Taking Out the Trash

Most people who live in the city and don’t venture out onto the highway rarely encounter large trucks on the road. For the most part, semi-truck, tractor-trailers, and other big trucks don’t have the need to travel into neighborhoods. However, the one type of truck that almost everyone comes across is a garbage truck. Garbage trucks are just as dangerous as other large commercial vehicles, and in some ways, can be even more dangerous. Recently, a pedestrian accident involving a garbage truck claimed a woman’s life.

According to a local news report, the accident occurred just before 8 a.m. on garbage day. Evidently, the victim – a 69-year-old woman – was taking out the trash when she stepped onto the curb and into the truck’s blind spot. The truck driver did not notice the woman in the road, striking her. She was later pronounced dead.

The driver, who worked for a privately-owned company that provides trash and recycling pick-up services on behalf of the city—remained on the scene, and police officers do not suspect that they were intoxicated. Police officers are currently investigating the accident to determine its potential causes.

Recovering after a Fatal Truck Accident

All truck drivers, including garbage truck operators, have a legal duty to everyone else on the road. When a driver’s negligence results in the death of a pedestrian or motorist, the family of the accident victim can pursue a wrongful death case against the responsible party.

Garbage truck accidents can present challenges that are not necessarily present in other Maryland truck accident cases, however. For example, some cities perform trash collection services while others hire private companies. Additionally, while these accidents are typically the result of driver negligence, there may be the possibility of holding the driver’s employer liable through the doctrine of respondeat superior.

What Is Respondeat Superior?

Respondeat superior is a type of vicarious liability in which an accident victim can hold a negligent party’s employer legally responsible for the negligent employee’s actions. This is critical in many truck accident cases, as it allows a grieving family to pursue compensation not only from the at-fault driver (who may or may not have sufficient assets to cover a damages award) but also against their employer. This will often increase a family’s ability to collect any damages award.

Have You Lost a Loved One in a Maryland Truck Accident?

If your family recently lost a loved one in a Maryland truck accident, reach out to the personal injury law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen, LLC. At Lebowitz & Mzhen, we have decades of experience helping accident victims. With our help, you can not only hold the negligent party responsible for your loved one’s death accountable but can also pursue a claim for compensation for everything your family has been through. To learn more, and to schedule a free consultation with a Maryland wrongful death attorney, contact Lebowitz & Mzhen at 800-654-1949 today. You can also reach us through our online contact form. Calling is free, and we will not bill you for our services unless we can recover compensation on your family’s behalf.


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