Baltimore Auto Injury News: Maryland Driver Dies in Accident after Tow Truck Backs into Traffic

As Baltimore personal injury attorneys and auto accident lawyers, we cannot stress enough the multidute of dangers faced by Maryland drivers on virtually a daily basis. Even in the most seemingly innocuous traffic situations a fatal accident can occur without warning. Injury accidents and fatal car and truck crashes happen with alarming frequency throughout the state; please use extreme caution at all times, if not for your own sake, at least for that of your family.

A deadly car-truck crash occurred not long ago that showed what can happen when fate conspires to do someone harm. It’s difficult to say whethr or not the victim of this particular crash could have avoided the traffic accident altogether, however the tragic outcome was one that no family would ever want a loved one to experience. According to news reports, police were still investigating the accident a couple days after the fatal wreck.

Based on reports, a commercial flatbed tow truck — a 2004 International — was partially blocking one of the southbound lanes along a stretch of Crain Highway (US 301) near the intersection of Holly Lane. At about 8pm, the truck driver apparently attempted to maneuver the truck into the northbound side of the roadway, Maryland State Police stated. At that moment, a southbound 2007 Toyota Camry driven by 73-year-old Stanley Harten Wallace of Waldorf, MD, crashed into the tow truck around 8pm.

The force of the impact caused Wallace to be ejected from his vehicle, resulting in fatal injuries. Police reported that the tow truck driver, 35-year-old Jared Wingate of Hyattsville, was not injured in the accident. Court records indicated that Wingate had previously recently been charged with driving a motor vehicle with suspended registration and then failed to appear for a court hearing in late September of last year.

Man dies in crash,, December 1, 2010

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