Maryland Bus Drivers Owe a Duty to Passengers and Fellow Motorists

Public transit is becoming increasingly popular in Maryland and across the United States. Public transportation options such as buses, trains, and subways allow people to travel relatively quickly and inexpensively, and is better for the environment than driving an individual car. However, just like any form of transportation, accidents can occur on public transit, and can lead to severe injuries or even death. In some cases, Maryland public transit accidents may be even more dangerous, because of the number of people in a vehicle.

For example, recently a bus crash made headlines when multiple people were injured. According to a local news report covering the collision, a bus was driving along its normal route when a tow truck driver allegedly lost control of the vehicle. The bus driver swerved out of the way to avoid an accident with the tow truck, but in doing so caused the bus to crash into a building. Fortunately, no one was killed, but six individuals were injured and had to be hospitalized after the crash.

The crash illustrates that no vehicle is immune from getting into a Maryland traffic accident. In the aftermath of an accident such as the one above, it can be difficult for injury victims to understand how the accident occurred, who is at fault, and whether or not they have a path to recovery.

Generally, Maryland state law allows accident victims to pursue a personal injury claim to hold the bus driver, and potentially the driver’s employer, liable for their injuries. Bus companies and their drivers owe a standard of care to passengers, and if a driver breaches that standard by acting negligently, they may have to pay monetary damages to those who suffer as a result. Common injuries after bus crashes include neck and back injuries, spinal cord injuries, head injuries, and broken bones. Some of these injuries can be long-lasting, cause chronic pain, or require ongoing medical treatment.

As with any personal injury suit, Maryland truck and bus accident suits must be brought in accordance with specific procedural requirements. Navigating these requirements can be difficult, and many Maryland plaintiffs elect to work with a personal injury lawyer so they can worry less about the administrative tasks of the lawsuit and focus instead on recovering.

Contact a Dedicated Maryland Truck and Bus Accident Attorney

If you are searching for a dedicated, compassionate, and experienced attorney to represent you in your Maryland truck accident case, look no further. Lebowitz & Mzhen, Personal Injury Lawyers, is a personal injury law firm dedicated to the excellent representation of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. clients. With decades of combined experience successfully pursuing all types of personal injury lawsuits, we have earned millions in compensation for accident victims. When you choose to work with Lebotiwz & Mzhen, you can trust that your case is in good hands. To learn more, and to schedule a free, no-risk, no-obligation consultation with one of our attorneys, contact us today by calling our office at 800-654-1949 or filling out our online form.

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